About Tetons United

First, let us tell you who we are not.

We are not a traditional organized church structure like a 501 (c) 3 non-profit. You cannot attend church with us, but you can check out one of our Kingdom Families.

We are not attempting to tell you what to do, but simply extending an invitation to join a “Relational Revolution” by exploring resources that can deepen your relationship with Jesus and others in any context.

We are not a “House Church” in the historical sense, although many of us meet in each others’ homes for fellowship.

We do not try to “fix” others. We do ask if there is anything someone needs from us, be it prayer, healing, just being with, listening to Jesus with them, or additional training we offer.

Here’s a summary of who we are.

We are an equipping ministry based on Ephesians 4:11-16

We are group “Kingdom Families” some who live in Jackson Hole and Teton Valley, all united in Christ. Hence the name Tetons United.

We are a Joy-Fueled and Jesus-Led, who meet regularly to connect heart to heart with each other and with God.

We extend Grace and Mercy to one another. Everyone has a voice and every voice is heard. Including children.

We learn and practice relational skills in order to become mature disciples of Jesus, learning how to love unconditionally.

We love all expressions of the Body of Christ and seek the blessing of everlasting life that comes when there is unity among us (Psalm 133).

We appreciate all the good stuff! Like how God created us to be face to face, the source of our Joy when we are glad to be with each other no matter what.

We are part of a growing, joy-fueled relational revolution that results in vibrant Kingdom Families springing up all over the globe.

We are part of a company of little-known laborers who the Holy Spirit is preparing for the fields that are ripe for harvest.

We pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send and connect us with more laborers- specifically for both sides of the Tetons (Luke 10:2b).

We have a vision for multiplying vibrant families of Jesus on both sides of the Tetons or wherever Jesus leads, guided by trained facilitators (laborers for the harvest).

Some of the synergistic ministries we connect with who are equipping and edifying the saints for the work of the ministry include the following:



Looking For Deeper Connection With Others and With Jesus?


Start With An Exploration Call

A 90-minute live, online video call exploring your story and how a simple course called Church 101 may help with the next chapter. This is THE starting point.


Church 101 Intro